I want to express my gratitude to the great Coach Haritosh Srivastav. Just because of his inspiration and push today, I feel confident sharing my stories. Thank you so much
Learn how you can find hundreds of stories by tapping into your ownself
Learn the elements that will help you craft a confident compelling stories
Learn the elements that will help you craft a confident compelling stories
Here are a few pointers before you attend this webinar.
Absolutely, In this 1.5 hours Masterclass, you will start by understanding the basics of storytelling which can make you a class-apart & effective communicator
On the Internet, knowledge is available in an unorganized manner and mostly not credible. And as they say, if you want to be successful, learn from someone who’s already been there. In this live masterclass, you’ll. Learn proven strategies, Secrets & tools to master storytelling which has helped business generate million of dollars and get thriving fans for influencers
On successful registration, You will be made to join a WhatsApp group where you will receive all the Masterclass-related Information.
You can still attend the masterclass next time, but with the full payment. However, I advise you to act fast and reserve your seat now for absolutely Free, before it’s too late, and you have to pay the full price of the masterclass and that even next time.